A ruptured brain aneurysm is a life-changing medical condition that affects the neurological system. When someone undergoes an aneurysm rupture and survives, they often experience memory loss as a result of the damage to the brain. Memory loss can affect many aspects of daily life, such as recalling important appointments or even grocery lists.
When mine ruptured, it not only caused me physical pain but also took away my short-term memory. I couldn't remember anything for more than a few minutes and the strain of that affected my social life immensely. It was hard enough as it is to navigate interpersonal relationships without feeling like every conversation had to be repeated because I could never remember what we were talking about; all the jokes, stories, and advice from friends would just fade away in an instant leaving me overwhelmed and embarrassed by myself.
This problem can be frustrating and discouraging, but it’s essential to find strategies to cope with memory loss after an aneurysm rupture. In this blog post, we will explore several tips for overcoming the frustration of not remembering things that helps me.

1. Keep a daily journal – Keeping a journal can be an excellent tool to help deal with memory loss. Designate a notebook or planner to write down your daily to-do-list, meetings, or reminders. Having a record of your commitments can give you peace of mind that you will not forget something important. It also makes it easier to track your progress and set new goals.

2. Mindful meditation – Mindful meditation can help improve memory recall by training the mind to stay focused and sharp. Regular meditation practice can improve cognitive functioning, concentration, and memory, among other things. It helps people with memory loss stay attuned to the present moment, mitigate stress, and increase awareness. Meditation is also an excellent self-care practice that can lead to a more peaceful and balanced life.

3. Develop routines – Routines help establish consistency in day-to-day activities. This kind of regularity can help improve short-term memory recall. It also enables people with memory loss to navigate their daily routine without feeling overwhelmed by changes. Try to maintain a consistent schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time, taking meals around the same time, and incorporating physical activity each day.

4. Try memory-boosting foods - Certain foods can help boost memory recall. Include foods such as salmon, avocado, berries, nuts, and spinach in your diet. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which play an essential role in brain health. Avocado is an excellent source of healthy fats that promote proper blood flow to the brain. Berries are potent antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress, and nuts also promote excellent memory function because of their high Vitamin E content.

5. Speak to a healthcare professional – Speaking with a healthcare practitioner can provide guidance on specific exercises and medication that enhances memory function. They can suggest memory-enhancement training, which involves developing techniques for memory recall. A clinician can also prescribe medication that may help boost cognitive function.

Before I had an aneurysm, I never imagined the struggle I would face. It was difficult for me to accept that my memory and ability to process information had been greatly altered as a result of something potentially out of my control. Every day felt like a battle as I worked hard to focus on the positives — enjoying small moments with friends and family, trying new activities, even doing mundane tasks in order to build resilience. As time went on I slowly started learning how to cope with memory loss after aneurysm, discovering tips that helped me along the way with acceptance and self-care. In this blog post, I will share my journey through memory loss after life changing event -- both joys and challenges alike--in hopes it helps others like me find some peace too.
While memory loss after an aneurysm rupture is frustrating and demotivating, it doesn't mean giving up on independent living. Based on the strategies I explored and shared in this blog you can find ways to deal with memory loss effectively. Strive to develop routines, practice mindful meditation, and eat memory-boosting foods. Additionally, it is essential to keep a daily journal and speak to healthcare professionals for specific intervention. Coping with memory loss may take time, so it’s crucial to stay positive, motivated and patient as progress is made. I hope the strategies outlined above can help individuals accept their memory function to maintain a better quality of life.

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